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What Great Brands Know… and You Should, Too

Think about this: We live in an age when we have more choices than ever before about what to buy and where to buy it. And we have more information than ever before to guide us.    Yet … customer loyalty is at an all-time low.  Only 25 percent of consumers say brand loyalty played a…

Forbes: Brands to Watch in 2020

A – Amazon. Amazon heads up the list, as it has in every year except one since I started this tradition in 2013. It has and will continue to dominate the business headlines by further disrupting the grocery industry with its free delivery to Prime members, investing more heavily in Prime Video to compete with Apple TV+ and…

Strategizing for a Post-digital Age

In this article, Jeff Mancini of Interbrand focuses on how brands should approach the ever changing digital marketplace emphasizing the importance of having a clear digital strategy. It is important to create a cohesiveness between your brand’s digital and non-digital content by reinforcing your brand values in digital endeavors.       CLICK HERE TO…